Lift Controller

- General
- Details
- Brochure
- Technical Documents
- Certificates
- Mikronik® SX has a compact design to saving space in the control panel.
- Mikronik® SX is designed for quick and fault free connections in the control panel.
- For Gearless, VVVF, two speed and hydraulic lifts.
- Maximum number of stops that can be serviced up to 16 and operation up to 1,60 m/s.
- Can be serviced simplex and duplex.
- Certification by the notified body Liftinstituut on the basis of the Lifts Directive 95/16/EC, EN 81-1 and EN 81-2
Tasks of SX/CPU Card
- SX/CPU card is placed in control board and is the main card of lift control system. All of the isolated signals coming from lift shaft, doors, cabinet and floors are transferred to SX/CPU card and executes working of the lift pursuant to lift working principles according to program algorithm.
Tasks of SX/CAB Card - SX/CAB card is placed in inspection box. This is the card to which input and outputs like calls in the cabinet, cabinet lamp, automatic door output are connected. It communicates with SX/CPU card placed in control board via CAN Bus.
Tasks of TRM Card - TRM card is located in car button place. It transmits internal calls, door opening (DTO) and closing (DTS) commands,
- TRMorman entries to SX/CAB card. It is the terminal card on which it has 7 segment indicators coming from SX/CAB card, down – up direction arrows and gray/binary outputs.
- Usage on all rope and hydraulic lifts
- Capacity to operate at 16 stops in KSA, KSL and S24T (single button) control types and 9 stops in KS
(double button) control type - Facility to operate as dublex group control by making connection between the control panels of lifts A and B via a cable with connector (2KS / 2KSA)
- Working capacity up to 1,60 m/s speed with VVVF speed control device
- Save on flexible cabin cable, number of connectors and connection labor with serial communication through cabin and secure CAN Bus
- Parallel communication with floors for floor call buttons and floor indicators
- Design taking a small place on board and providing easy connection
- Easy and understandable user-friendly menu interface
- Saving menu access with password
- Display of determined faults on LCD screen after saving them to permanent storage
- Display of lift position on 7-segment screen on SX/CPU card
- Speed and faultless connection to system via flat cables with connector for the signals as call buttons, indicator outlets and position information switches. Save on flexible board connectors and connection labor
- Automatic level adjustment as door-open at hydraulic lifts
- Advanced door opening
- Capacity to assign card location, stopping distance and level
adjustment area by only one magnetic power switch at
hydraulic lifts - Controlling moving contactors
- Bridged security circuit detection function
- Rescue function on fire
- Stop ability in the first stop on an earthquake
- Full load, overload, minimum load, motorman key functions
- Conformity with EN81-1, -2, -3
Please click to see technical documents.